Então tentei lembrar de alguma pessoa real que eu pudesse caricaturar, lembrei de um amigo que era cabeludo (4) que depois evoluiu para a forma (5) (6), praticamente a mesma que está hoje (7). Esse personagem criei apenas para fazer uma pequena história, hoje é o personagem que tenho mais carinho. Moral da História a gente não cria um personagem isso ou aquilo simplesmente , é a necessidade que nos faz criar.
Had in mind a story from one page to draw, but I had a problem, had not yet created the character, then scribbled the story (1), but the character was not legal in the back of the sheet, I tried to sketch other characters, but also did not convey what I wanted, a young character with a certain way of rogue, and also an innocent appearance, but all such sketches or was expressing very trickster (2) very true (3).
So I tried to think of a real person that I could caricature, I remembered a friend who was hairy (4) which then evolved into the form (5) (6), virtually the same as it is today (7). This character created just to make a story short, today is the character that I have more affection. Moral of the story; Creativity and need walking together with inspiration.